Centar za strateška istraživanja nacionalne bezbednosti – CESNA B Beograd, osnovan je 27. januara 2006. godine. Kao naučna i stručna institucija bavi se istraživanjem esencijalnih postulata nacionalnih interesa, fenomena nacionalne bezbednosti i širom društvenom tematikom u savremenom globalnom ambijentu. U kontekstu realizacije programskih opredeljenja, angažovano je oko 530 naučnih i stručnih radnika iz Republike Srbije i inostranstva. Među njima su članovi SANU, Srpske Kraljevske Akademije Inovacionih Nauka, Evropske akademije nauka, Ruske akademije nauka, Akademije nauka u Vašingtonu, Akademije nauka u Njujorku, Bugarske akademije nauka, Ukrajinske Tehnološke Akademije, Srpske akademije obrazovanja, SAIN, zatim univerzitetski profesori, predstavnici Srpske pravoslavne crkve, Muslimanske verske zajednice, Katoličke crkve, Jevrejske verske zajednice, NVO i dr. Osnivač i direktor Centra je prof. dr Slobodan Nešković, akademik, redovni član Srpske Kraljevske Akademije Inovacionih Nauka i državne Ukrajinske Tehnološke Akademije.
Akademik prof. dr Aleksandar Fira, nekadašnji potpredsednik Svetske asocijacije ustavopisaca, predsednik Ustavnog suda SFRJ i redovni član SANU, tokom uvodnog izlaganja na Međunarodnoj konferenciji 24. februara 2012. godine u Kragujevcu, rekao je pored ostalog: „CESNA B je putujući univerzitet“.
Uspostavljena je saradnja sa relevantnim domaćim i međunarodnim visokoškolskim ustanovama kao što su:
- Bugarska Akademija Nauka,
- Univerzitet „Sveti Kiril i Metodij“, Veliko Trnovo, Bugarska,
- Internacionalni univerzitet Travnik, Travnik, BiH,
- Univerzitet „Sveti Kliment Ohridski“, Bitolj, BJR Makedonija,
- Panevropski univerzitet APEIRON, Banjaluka, RS, BiH,
- Univerzitet Privredna akademija u Novom Sadu,
- Fakultet bezbednosti Univerziteta u Beogradu,
- Fakultet političkih nauka Univerziteta u Beogradu,
- Geografski fakultet, Univerziteta u Beogradu,
- Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Kragujevcu,
- Tehnički fakultet u Boru Univerziteta u Beogradu,
- Tehnološki fakultet u Leskovcu Univerziteta u Nišu,
- Fakultet za pravo, bezbednost i menadžment „Konstantin Veliki“ Niš,
- Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd,
- Institut za političke studije, Beograd,
- Institut za naučna istraživanja i razvoj, Ulcinj, Crna Gora
- VTŠ SS Novi Sad,
- VŠ PEP Beograd,
- VŠP SS Vranje i drugi.
Udruženje je realizovalo aktivnosti sa brojnim partnerima:
- Srpsko-Rusko-Belorusko prijateljstvo,
- Hanns Seidel Stiftung, SR Nemačka,
- Udruženje privatnih poslodavaca Republike Srpske, Banjaluka, RS, BiH,
- Livnica “Tešić“ Čatrnja, Gradiška, RS, BiH,
- Evropski defendologija centar, Banjaluka, RS, BiH,
- „Sajamski grad“ Trebinje, RS, BiH,
- Eparhija Šabačka SPC,
- JP „Železnice Srbije“,
- JP EPS RB „Kolubara“ Lazarevac,
- RTS,
- „INGRAP-OMNI“ d.o.o. Valjevo,
- „Radionica Vasiljević“, Mladenovac,
- „SaTCIP“ d.o.o. Vrnjačka Banja,
- Zavod za javno zdravlje Vranje,
- JKP „Tržnice Novi Sad“ Novi Sad,
- JKP „Obrenovac“ Obrenovac,
- „Livnica Ljig“ d.o.o. Ljig,
- PP „Diplomat klub“ Divčibare,
- PP „Damjanović“ Mladenovac,
- „Grading-company“ d.o.o. Požega,
- TV Kopernikus,
- TV Most, Novi Sad,
- Specijalna bolnica za rehabilitaciju „Sijarinjska Banja“,
- Specijalna bolnica „Ribarska Banja“,
- Centar za nauku i kulturu NAUKOM, Novi Pazar,
- Društvo za narodno prosvećivanje „Svetionik“, Kragujevac,
- Evropski institut sporta, Beograd,
- Asocijacija za korporativna bezbednost-AKB, Skopje, Makedonija,
- INZA GROUP-„INZA Institut za upravljanje rizicima i naučno istraživački rad“ d.o.o. Beograd,
- Poliklinika „GRACIA MEDIKA“ Beograd,
- Gradska biblioteka Lajkovac,
- Arhiv Vojvodine, Novi Sad,
- Internacionalna policijska organizacija, sekcija Austrija
- UP „Turist“ Bela Crkva,
- DU „Leptirić“, Lajkovac,
- „JUVIP“ d.o.o. Požega,
- „Kolubara-Osečenica“ d.o.o. Mionica,
- „Iskić“ d.o.o. Straža, Loznica,
- „3 R-INDUSTRIJA“ Beograd,
- PP „BRUG“ Novi Pazar,
- „Složna braća Zoran i Nele“ d.o.o. Drmanovići, Nova Varoš,
- Etno centar „GEGULA“, Kraljevo,
- „Stari hrast“ d.o.o. Velika Plana
- SUZR „KLIK“, Mionica
- „Motel Narcis“ Vlasinsko jezero,
- „Motel Predejane“ Predejane,
- SZTR „CANE“, Osečina,
- Lovačko udruženje Milenko Pavlović – Pilot, Osečina,
- Internacionalna Policijska Organizacija, Beograd,
- Štamparija „Valjevo-print“, Valjevo,
- Centar za obrazovanje „Đuro Salaj“ (Akademija 28),
- Belpak d.o.o. Novi Beograd,
- „Vila Vertigo“ Borsko jezero,
- UP „Rekreaturs“ Beograd i drugi.
Pored navedenog, ostvaren je kontinuitet saradnje sa organima državne uprave i lokalne samouprave:
- Srednjebosanski kanton Travnik, BiH,
- Šumadijski upravni okrug,
- Grad Kragujevac,
- Grad Novi Pazar,
- Grad Kruševac,
- Grad Bor,
- Grad Niš,
- Ljig,
- Surdulica,
- Kosjerić,
- Bajina Bašta,
- Vrnjačka Banja,
- Kanjiža,
- Brus,
- Tutin,
- Bujanovac,
- Obrenovac,
- Nova Varoš,
- Lajkovac i druge.
Do sada Centar je organizovao 101. naučnih i stručnih konferencija međunarodnog i nacionalnog značaja, pri čemu je izdao 31 knjiga Zbornika radova iz edicije „Bezbednost u postmodernom ambijentu“ uz učešće eminentnih naučnih radnika iz zemlje i sveta. Krajem 2013. godine otvorena je kancelarija CESNA B za Republiku Srpsku sa sedištem u Banjaluci. U pripremi je otvaranje kancelarija u Republici Crnoj Gori i Severnoj Makedoniji.
About CESNA B Belgrade
The Centre for Strategic National Security Research – CESNA B Belgrade was founded on January 27, 2006. As a scientific and professional nongovernmental organization (NGO), CESNA B Belgrade is dedicated to the research of fundamental postulates of national interests, the phenomenon of national security and wider social issues in the contemporary globalized environment. In the context of the implementation of the Organization’s program objectives, around 530 scientists, professionals and experts from the Republic of Serbia and abroad have been engaged. Among them the members of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, the Serbian Royal Academy of Innovative Sciences, the European Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Washington Academy of Sciences, the New York Academy of Sciences, the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the Ukrainian Technological Academy, the Serbian Academy of Education and the Serbian Academy of Inventors and Scientists stand out in particular. The membership of the CESNA B Belgrade scientific and professional organization also includes numerous university professors, representatives of the Serbian Orthodox Churches, Muslim religious communities, Catholic Churches, Jewish religious communities, NGOs, and many others. The founder and director of the Centre is Ph.D., Full Professor Slobodan Nešković, academician, regular member of the Serbian Royal Academy of Innovative Sciences and the state Ukrainian Technological Academy.
Academician Ph.D. Full Professor Aleksandar Fira, former vice-president of the International Association of Constitutional Law writers, president of the Constitutional Court of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) and regular member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, during his introductory speech at the International Conference held on February 24, 2012 in Kragujevac, Republic of Serbia, said, among other things, that: „CESNA B Belgrade is a traveling university“.
CESNA B Belgrade has established cooperation with relevant domestic and international higher education and research institutions such as:
- Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria,
- Saint Cyril and Methodius University, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria,
- International University of Travnik, Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
- „St. Clement of Ohrid“ University, Bitol, North Macedonia,
- APEIRON Pan-European University, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
- University of Business Academy in Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia,
- Faculty of Security, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia,
- Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia,
- Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia,
- Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, Republic of Serbia,
- Technical Faculty in Bor, University of Belgrade, Bor, Republic of Serbia,
- Faculty of Technology in Leskovac, University of Nis, Leskovac, Republic of Serbia,
- Faculty of Law, Security and Management „Konstantin the Great“ Niš, Niš, Republic of Serbia,
- Institute for International Politics and Economy, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia,
- Institute for Political Studies, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia,
- Institute for Scientific Research and Development, Ulcinj, Montenegro,
- Higher Engineering School of Vocational Studies Tehnikum Taurunum, Zemun, Republic of Serbia,
- Higher Technical School of Vocational Studies in Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia,
- Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia,
- Vranje High School of Applied Vocational Studies, Vranje, Republic of Serbia, and many others.
The association CESNA B Belgrade also implemented activities with its numerous partners from public and private sector:
- Serbian-Russian-Belarusian Friendship, Republic of Serbia,
- Hanns Seidel Stiftung, Münich, Germany,
- Association of Private Employers of the Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
- Foundry “Tešić” Čatrnja, Gradiška, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
- European Defendology Center, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
- “Fair City” Trebinje, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
- Diocese of Šabac, Serbian Orthodox Church, Republic of Serbia,
- Public Enterprise “Serbian Railways”,
- Public Enterprise “Electricity Industry of Serbia Kolubara Mining Basin”, Lazarevac, Republic of Serbia,
- Radio Television of Serbia, Republic of Serbia,
- “INGRAP-OMNI” LLC, Valjevo, Republic of Serbia,
- “Workshop Vasiljević”, Mladenovac, Republic of Serbia,
- “SaTCIP“ LLC, Vrnjačka Banja, Republic of Serbia,
- Vranje Institute of Public Health, Vranje, Republic of Serbia,
- Public Utility Company “Markets of Novi Sad” Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia,
- PUK “Obrenovac”, Obrenovac, Republic of Serbia,
- “Foundry Ljig” LLC, Ljig, Republic of Serbia,
- Private guesthouse “Diplomat Club” Divčibare, Republic of Serbia,
- PP “Damjanović”, Mladenovac, Republic of Serbia,
- „Grading-company“ LLC, Požega, Republic of Serbia,
- Radio Television AVAX, Lazarevac, Republic of Serbia,
- Radio Television GEM, Lazarevac, Republic of Serbia,
- Radio Television Kopernikus, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia,
- Radio Television Most, Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia,
- Special rehabilitation hospital “Sijarinska Banja”, Sijarinska Banja, Republic of Serbia,
- Special Hospital “Ribarska Banja”, Ribarska Banja, Republic of Serbia,
- Centre for Science and Culture “NAUKOM”, Novi Pazar, Republic of Serbia,
- Society for Public Enlightenment “Lighthouse”, Kragujevac, Republic of Serbia,
- European Institute of Sports, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia,
- Association for Corporate Security-ACS, Skopje, North Macedonia,
- INZA GROUP – “INZA Institute for Risk Management and Scientific Research”, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia,
- Polyclinic “GRACIA MEDIKA”, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia,
- Lajkovac City Library, Lajkovac, Republic of Serbia,
- Archives of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia,
- International Police Organization, Austrian Section, Austria,
- Hospitality Company “Tourist”, Bela Crkva, Republic of Serbia,
- Kindergarten “Leptirić”, Lajkovac, Republic of Serbia,
- “JUVIP” LLC, Požega, Republic of Serbia,
- “Kolubara-Osečenica” LLC, Mionica, Republic of Serbia,
- “Iskić” LLC Straža, Loznica, Republic of Serbia,
- “3 R-INDUSTRY” Belgrade, Republic of Serbia,
- PP “BRUG” Novi Pazar, Republic of Serbia,
- “United Brothers Zoran and Nele” LLC Drmanovići, Nova Varoš, Republic of Serbia,
- Ethno Centre „GEGULA“, Kraljevo, Republic of Serbia,
- “Old OAS” LLC, Velika Plana, Republic of Serbia,
- Independent Catering Shop “KLIK”, Mionica, Republic of Serbia,
- “Narcis Motel, Vlasina Lake, Republic of Serbia,
- “Predejane Motel”, Predejane, Republic of Serbia,
- Independent Craft Shop “CANE”, Osečina, Republic of Serbia,
- Hunting Association Milenko Pavlović – Pilot, Osečina, Republic of Serbia,
- International Police Organization, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia,
- Printing house “Valjevo-print”, Valjevo, Republic of Serbia,
- Centre for Education “Đuro Salaj” (Academy 28), Belgrade, Republic of Serbia,
- “Belpak” LLC, New Belgrade, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia,
- “Villa Vertigo”, Lake Bor, Bor, Republic of Serbia,
- Wine and Dine Company “Rekreaturs”, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia, and many others.
In addition to the above, CESNA B Belgrade has also achieved continuous cooperation with state administration and local government bodies, such as:
- Central Bosnian Canton of Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
- Šumadija Administrative District, Republic of Serbia,
- City of Kragujevac, Republic of Serbia,
- City of Novi Pazar, Republic of Serbia,
- City of Kruševac, Republic of Serbia,
- City of Bor, Republic of Serbia and
- City of Niš, Republic of Serbia.
Finally, CESNA B Belgrade has also reached a high level of cooperation with representatives of municipalities, such as:
- Municipality of Ljig, Republic of Serbia,
- Municipality of Surdulica, Republic of Serbia,
- Municipality of Kosjerić, Republic of Serbia,
- Municipality of Bajina Bašta, Republic of Serbia,
- Municipality of Vrnjačka Banja, Republic of Serbia,
- Municipality of Kanjiža, Republic of Serbia,
- Municipality of Brus, Republic of Serbia,
- Municipality of Tutin, Republic of Serbia,
- Municipality of Bujanovac, Republic of Serbia,
- Municipality of Obrenovac, Republic of Serbia,
- Municipality of Nova Varoš, Republic of Serbia,
- Municipality of Lajkovac, Republic of Serbia, and others.
So far, the organization CESNA B Belgrade has organized 101 scientific and professional conferences of international and national importance, where it has published 31 Books of Proceedings from the edition “Security in the Postmodern Environment” with the participation of eminent scholars, researchers, experts and professionals from the country and the world. At the end of 2013, the CESNA B Belgrade office for the Republic of Srpska was opened, with headquarters in Banja Luka. The opening of its offices in the Republic of Montenegro and North Macedonia is under preparation.