

Udruženje „CESNA B“

Centar za strateška istraživanja nacionalne bezbednosti


Oblast ostvarivanja ciljeva

 Član 1.

„CESNA B“ – Centar za strateška istraživanja nacionalne bezbednosti je naučno i stručno udruženje, osnovano na neodređeno vreme radi ostvarivanja ciljeva u oblasti nacionalne bezbednosti, nacionalnih interesa i šire društvene problematike.

Ciljevi udruženja

Član 2.

Ciljevi Udruženja su:

  • strateška istraživanja i proučavanje osnovnih postulata nacionalne bezbednosti i nacionalnih interesa sa aspektima uključivanja zemlje u savremene integracione procese, utemeljena na naučnim osnovama, a u kontekstu uključivanja zemlje u savremene integracije;
  • okupljanje naučnih radnika, stručnjaka i praktičara koji se bave proučavanjem tematike u oblasti nacionalne bezbednosti;
  • organizovanje istraživačkih delatnosti u svim sferama javnog života kao i u području antiterorizma i organizovanog kriminala;
  • saradnja sa odgovarajućim naučnim institucijama, univerzitetima, fakultetima, stručnim udruženjima i drugim organizacijama u zemlji i svetu koje se bave društvenim fenomenima, problematikom nacionalne bezbednosti, borbe protiv terorizma, organizovanog kriminala i bezbednosti u najširem smislu;
  • edukacija studenata i drugih kategorija građanstva sa tematikom nacionalne bezbednosti, bezbednosti u najširem smislu i aktuelnih društvenih trendova na neprofitnoj osnovi u skladu sa Zakonom;
  • organizovanje i održavanje naučnih konferencija, seminara, simpozijuma, okruglih stolova, tribina i drugih stručnih skupova posvećenih razmatranju aktuelnih problema u zemlji, subregionu, regionu i na globalnom nivou, sa definisanjem kompetentnih stavova i predloga za razrešenje kompleksnih problema u navedenim oblastima;
  • sprovođenje raznovrsnih aktivnosti iz oblasti zažtite i unapređenja životne sredine, kao i ekološkog osposobljavanja menadžmenta preduzeća i ustanova, zaposlenih i ostalih kategorija stanovništva;
  • pokretanje inicijativa za osnivanje visokoškolskih ustanova, fakulteta i univerziteta koji bi se bavili delatnošću navedenim u ciljevima rada udruženja;
  • centar izdaje publikacije, knjige i druge štampane, audio i video materijale u skladu sa Zakonom;
  • saradnja sa nadležnim državnim organima i institucijama.

Član 3.

Radi ostvarivanja svih ciljeva Udruženje naročito:

  1. prikuplja i obrađuje naučnu i stručnu literaturu iz oblasti nacionalnih interesa i nacionalne bezbednosti, kao i i šire društvene problematike.
  2. sarađuje sa univerzitetima, školama, stručnim udruženjima i drugim organizacijama u zemlji i inostranstvu koji se bave širom društvenom problematikom, posebno tematikom nacionalnih interesa.
  3. ostvaruje saradnju sa privrednim subjektima i društvenim ustanovama radi realizacije određenih aktivnosti u smislu sticanja dobiti.

(izvod iz statuta CESNA B)

Extract from the Statute


“CESNA B” Association

Centre for Strategic National Security Research


Area of goals achievement

Article 1

“CESNA B” – Centre for Strategic National Security Research is a nongovernmental scientific and professional association, established for an indefinite period to reach goals in the field of national security, national interests and broader social issues research.

Objectives of the “CESNA B” Association

 Article 2

The primary objectives of the CESNA B Association are:

  • Strategic research and study of the fundamental postulates of national security and national interests with aspects of the country’s inclusion in contemporary integration processes, based on scientific foundations, and in the context of the country’s inclusion in contemporary integration processes,
  • Gathering of scientists, professionals, experts, and practitioners engaged in the study of relevant topics in the field of national security,
  • Organizing research activities in all spheres of public life, as well as in the area of anti-terrorism and organized crime,
  • Establishment of cooperation with appropriate scientific institutions, universities, faculties, professional associations, and other organizations in the country and the world that deal with wider social phenomena, issues of national security, the fight against terrorism, organized crime, and security in its broadest sense,
  • Education of students and other categories of citizens on the topic of national security, security in its broadest sense, and current social trends and phenomena, on a non-profit basis and in accordance with the Law,
  • Organizing and holding scientific conferences, seminars, symposia, round tables, tribunes, and other expert gatherings dedicated to considering current problems in the country, sub-region, region, and at the global level, with the definition of competent positions and proposals for solving complex issues in the mentioned areas,
  • Implementation of various activities in the field of environmental improvement and protection, as well as ecological training of the management of relevant companies and institutions, employees and other categories of the population,
  • Launching initiatives for the establishment of higher education institutions, faculties and universities that would deal with the activities specified in the objectives of the Association’s scope of work,
  • Publishing publications, books and other printed, audio and video materials in accordance with the Law, and
  • Cooperation with competent state bodies, local governmental authorities, and other public and private institutions.

Article 3

In order to achieve all the stated goals, the “CESNA B” Association in particular:

  • Collects and processes scientific and professional literature in the field of national interests and national security, as well as broader social issues.
  • Establishes cooperation with universities, schools, professional associations, and other organizations in the country and abroad that deal with wider social issues, especially with the topic of national interests.
  • Establishes cooperation with business entities and social institutions in order to realize certain activities in terms of gaining profit.

                                                                                                  (Extract from the Statute of the organization “CESNA B”)